Dear Students,
I have used following books for ASRB NET preparation.
Please follow the book-wise units given in the ASRB NET syllabus. This syllabus is most of the time is the same for Biotechnology Related Exams. I have attached a few more common entrance exam syllabus for your reference.
1. Principles of Genetics by Gardner (In College Library) : Unit 4 - Mutation
2. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry (In College Library): Unit 2 & 3
3. Gene cloning and DNA analysis by T A Brown (In College Library) : Unit 7
4. Cell & Molecular Biology by Gerald Karp (In College Library) : Unit 1
5. Biotechnology: Expanding Horizon by B. D. Singh (In College Library): Unit 6, 10 & 12
List of exams for PG in Agri. Biotechnology: MCAER, Pune, ICAR, New Delhi, JNU, New Delhi
List of Other exams: http://www. thread-2261.html
Question papers for reference:
UGC-NET ( AnswerKeys.html)
Updates about Biotechnology Career sites (Subscribe it):
Objective question bank book : link
Other special books preparing for competitive exams.
Thanking you.